Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is The Plan?

It's been ten days since Florida Representative Alan Grayson called out the GOP for their lack of any real solutions to America's healthcare crisis. In those ten days 1,225 Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, friends, and neighbors have died because they lacked health insurance. Nearly 45,000 people die every year for lack of health insurance.

Ever wonder what 45,000 people look like?

Yet, congressional republicans still have no plan. They still have no ideas on how to end this holocaust in America. Their only plans are more obstructionism. Their only goal is partisan political gain.

Americans deserve more than political games. We need real solutions to real problems. Tell Republicans in Congress to stop playing politics with American lives.

It's far past time for Congressional Republicans to either come up with solutions of their own, or stop obstructing those that are.

By the way, don't forget to show Representative Grayson that you've got his back. He deserves it.

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