Tuesday, October 20, 2009

John Harwood Is An Idiot

Every night I like to fall asleep with the TV on. I usually watch the Food Network, or the Discovery Channel (Mythbusters is the shit!). Really, my goal is to watch something that's interesting, but not going to get me overly interested, or riled up.

Last night, however, I was flipping through the channels and decided to watch "The Ed Show" on msnbc. John Harwood was on. Here is a transcript of how the segment went before I threw my remote at the TV.

SCHULTZ: Now, $34.7 million, in my world, that's a heck of a lot of money. That's how much the Chamber of Commerce has spent lobbying the Congress in the third quarter alone.

Is the White House-do they have the proper strategy to push back? It seems like Rahm Emanuel says any time we've got a problem, we just send the president out to sell hard, he was selling hard this weekend.

Is that going to do it?

HARWOOD: Well, look, I think you can't second-guess the White House strategy at this point because they've now gotten the bill out of all the committees, they're headed for a floor debate in both the House and Senate in a couple weeks. And I think they're on track to get a very significant bill.

Now, the question is going to be, what do you judge significant? I know you favor the public option. A lot of people on the left favor that.

They're not likely to get it, in my view. So if that's the standard, then you could say their strategy is off. But if your standard is trying to get essentially near universal coverage, get everybody in the system, reform the insurance market, I think they're on track to get that.

SCHULTZ: John, when do the numbers matter? "Washington Post"/ABC News poll out today, 57 percent of all Americans now favor a public insurance option while 40 percent oppose it.

Now, that's up five percentage points since August. I mean, the momentum is definitely going.

Why can't the Democrats just get what they want?

HARWOOD: You know, I think polling in health care only gets you so far because the issues are so complicated. And once you join the issue, depending on how the question is framed in the poll, you can get very different answers.

You say you want a public option on health care, that's one thing. If you say you want government takeover of the health care system, that's quite another.

SCHULTZ: All right. I want to talk about jobs just quickly here.

Well, no shit you'd get a different answer if you asked people if they favored a "government takeover of health care". The majority of people oppose a government takeover of health care. That's why NOBODY IS ACTUALLY PROPOSING IT. The public option is NOT a government takeover of healthcare, and the American people know it isn't.

So what that means, is that either Harwood is too stupid himself to realize that a public option is not a "government takeover" of health care, or he thinks the American people are too stupid to tell the difference. Personally, I think it's probably a little of both.

Oh, and what's up with Schultz not bothering to call him on that nonsense? It was an easily provable falsehood. Of all people, you should know enough to not let him get away with spewing that kind of nonsense.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

George Will Calls The Majority Of Americans Radicals

This was George Will on George Stephanapolous' show tonight answering the question, "Is Obama tough enough?"

"WILL: “The danger is that this narrative about him not being tough enough occurs in the midst of, A.) the argument about Afghanistan, where to prove you're tough, you might want to escalate, and, B.) when he has to make a decision about the public option. One thing he could do is jettison the public option, offend his left and make himself look moderate, but can he offend his left on the public option and escalate in Vietnam -- in Afghanistan?”

Besides the fact that Will apparently thinks the way to prove you are tough is to get more American's killed, his view on the public option is telling.

I was unaware that dumping a policy that's supported by a sizable majority of Americans makes you appear more moderate?

You "learn" something new every day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Obama to GOP: "Grab A Mop!"

Tell the GOP obstructionists to "Grab a mop" and help clean up the mess they created.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good To Know, Rush

Rush (Fatty, Pill Popper) Limbaugh's patriotic take on Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize...

LIMBAUGH: I think that everybody is laughing. Our president is a worldwide joke. Folks, do you realize something has happened here that we all agree with the Taliban and Iran about and that is he doesn't deserve the award. Now that's hilarious, that I'm on the same side of something with the Taliban, and that we all are on the same side as the Taliban.

ROTFLMAO... That's just hilarious! Agreeing with the people who harbor Terrorists who want to kill Americans is just sooooo funny!

I guess we shouldn't be suprised. Republicans are always looking for another war. They support the current healthcare sytem... a system that kills 45,000 Americans every year. Republicans side with the Taliban when it comes to Obama winning the Nobel Prize. Why should we be surprised when they appear to to side with the Taliban when it comes to the value of American lives?

By the way, almost another 122 Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, neighbors, and friends have died since my last post. 1,347 have died since Representative Grayson called the GOP out for it's obstructionism.

If Republicans truly care about the lives of Americans then they should be able to answer the question...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where Is The Plan?

It's been ten days since Florida Representative Alan Grayson called out the GOP for their lack of any real solutions to America's healthcare crisis. In those ten days 1,225 Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, friends, and neighbors have died because they lacked health insurance. Nearly 45,000 people die every year for lack of health insurance.

Ever wonder what 45,000 people look like?

Yet, congressional republicans still have no plan. They still have no ideas on how to end this holocaust in America. Their only plans are more obstructionism. Their only goal is partisan political gain.

Americans deserve more than political games. We need real solutions to real problems. Tell Republicans in Congress to stop playing politics with American lives.

It's far past time for Congressional Republicans to either come up with solutions of their own, or stop obstructing those that are.

By the way, don't forget to show Representative Grayson that you've got his back. He deserves it.